
Built-in variables

All Hugo built-in variables.
(Site, Page, Taxonomy, Menu variables)

  • Can use Go variables only in layouts/ files.
  • Can access variables defined in .md files front matter. E.g.:
  {{ .Title }}
  {{ .Date }}
  {{ .Permalink }}
  {{ .Kind }} // prints the kind of page

Custom variables

1. Vars Defined in front matter (.Params.var)

Access them with {{ .Params.varName }}.

So default vars without .Params, custom vars with .Params.

  • Define a default var in content/
title = 'A'
date = 2024-10-10T20:37:08+07:00
draft = true
author = 'Mike'
tags = ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3', 'сиреневый', 'tag4']
categories = ['cat1']
moods = ["Happy", "Upbeat"]
myVar = 'MyValueHere'        
  • Use a default var, layouts/_default/single.html
{{ define "main" }} This is the single template.
<br />
<br />
{{.Params.myVar}} {{end}}
2. Vars declared in .html layout templates
  • Declare
    {{ $myVarName := "aString" }} (can be numeric, int, bool, string)
  • Use
    {{ $myVarName }}

E.g., to change CSS styling using variables:
(set this to different color in etc)

title = 'A'
color = 'blue'        
{{ define "main" }}
<h1 style="color: {{.Params.color}};">This is the single template.</h1>