
Ways to organize, logically group content. For that Hugo provides:

Tags, Category

Built in taxonomies.

tags = keywords, categories = groups

To implement taxonomies, we use the front matter.

  • Add tags, categories taxonomies in a content file like content/
title: "A"
tags: ["tag1", "tag2"]
categories: ["cat1"]

Display taxonomies. Then you can display tags and categories of a page when e.g. displaying a card for each page.

Hugo creates pages for taxonomies. Clicking on a tag name brings you to a list page of this tag e.g. that lists all related posts. The url will look like: tag/tags3

Custom taxonomies

  • Use in content .md files
title: "A"
tags: ["tag1", "tag2"]
categories: ["cat1"]
moods: ["Happy", "Upbeat"] #added

Unlike the default taxonomies (Hugo creates urls for tags, categories), Hugo will not create e.g. moods/happy page.

  • Make url pages for custom taxonomies
    To remedy this, in hugo.toml add [taxonomies] section (note must list the default taxonomies as well):
baseURL = ''
languageCode = 'en-us'
title = 'My New Hugo Site'
theme = 'ga-hugo-theme'
  tag = "tags"         #singular = plural
  category = "categories"
  mood = "moods"
  • Displaying content with the same taxonomy term
    (E.g. for a custom taxonomy ’languages’, with value ’english’.)
{{ range .Site.Taxonomies.languages.english }}
    // in here we can access the page’s information
    {{ .Title }}
    {{ .Description }}
{{ end }}
  • What other custom taxonomies we could make
    -language (for a travel blog. So show all posts where the spoken language in a country is English)
    -color (show all works of that color)