Install Theme


You went through the quick start of the official Hugo documentation (the quick start part is very terse).

Create a new site

hugo new site travel_blog
cd travel_blog/

You can call the site anything you want, we are not really making a travel blog. Just will look at the site structure.

Installing & Using Themes

  1. Get the theme custom made for this course. Go to Click on green button code, copy theme .git:

zip extracting you can do without git:

  • download the zip file, extract. By extracting means: double click on the zip, in the opened folder drag the main listed folder into the themes folder of your project.
  • rename theme to ga-hugo-theme
  • add theme to hugo.toml:
theme = 'ga-hugo-theme'

using git

  • hugo docs pattern
git init
git submodule add themes/ga-hugo-theme
echo "theme = 'ga-hugo-theme'" >> hugo.toml
hugo server
  • giraffe pattern
cd themes
git clone